
Welcome to Sheaf Scouting ‘Hall of Awards’. Young People and Adult Leaders alike achieve amazing accomplishments throughout their time in Scouts, and we love to share these achievements for everyone to see. Congratulations everyone.

District Cub Scrapheap Challenge 2023

Well done to all the Cubs who took part in the first Scrapheap Challenge.

181st St Chads winners Scrapheap

Cub and Scout Archery Competition 2023

Well done to all the Cubs and Scouts who took part in the Archery Competition.
Scout Competition –> 1st & 2nd Place = St. Pauls
Cub Competition –> 1st Place = St Chads , 2nd Place = Beauchief Baptist


74th Oak Street Chief Scout Silver Awards

Well done to all the Cubs who earned their highest award to prepare them for the next chapter of their Scouting Journey.

Cheif Scout Award Silver 74th-min

Scout Splash Winners 2022

Well done to all the Scout entrants and well done to this years winners.

Cub Scout Splash Winners 2022

Well done to all the Cub Scout entrants and well done to this years winners.

We would like to populate this area with all your greatest achievements and awards.
Please contact us at with your success stories.

We can’t wait to hear from you!