District Cub Scrapheap Challenge Well done to all of the Cubs that took part in the first ever Sheaf District Cub Scrapheap Challenge hosted at 297th Bradway HQ. This years theme: Famous UK Buildings. Cubs first planned out their structures…
Swimming News
Swimming News 2022 Written by Bob Teasdale It’s that time of year, when instead of our regular 6 to 8 week courses, we run a series of one-off activities open to the packs and troops of Sheaf district. Swimmers’ Badge…
Cub Scout Splash Results 2022
Smashing Results for the Cub Scout Splash On Sunday 20th November 2022, 45 Cubs from seven packs in Sheaf District (plus a Brownie), took part in the annual Cub Scout Splash, organised by Sheaf Scout Swimming. The Cubs were divided…